Custom Query (8174 matches)


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Results (406 - 408 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#407 Recursive delete doesn't delete hidden files... anonymous

If you choose to delete a folder, FileZilla recurses through its subfolders to delete all files, but it misses hidden files and is thus unable to delete the selected folder is the "directory is not empty"...

#408 files get skipped when downloading sebastl

(Version: 2.1.8c)

I've seen that when I wanted to download the virus signature files for my virus scanner. That are 2 files ( and So I drag to my local directory, then macrdef2. zip. The box pop's up if I want to overwrite the local file. But this box appears only for and gets skipped.

If I drag the second file after the box for the first appeared, it works. If I mark both files and drag them at once, it works also.

#409 Wrong "File already exist" warning using sftp anonymous

I've reproduced this problem sucessfully only using sftp and transfering 2 files and up.

I connect to an sftp server1, and send 3 files (abc.txt, def.txt, ghi.txt) that are not on that server.

Break connection and connect to sftp server2 and send the same 3 files, I'll get an "File already exist" warning box for 2 of the 3 files (def.txt and abc.txt), even though these files _do not_ exist on server2. ghi.txt is sent without this warning.

My configuration :

FileZilla 2.1.9 / 2.1.9a Windows NT4 SP6a

2 Servers are identical Solaris 9 with stock SSH server (OpenSSH)

adery _at_ hotmail _dot_ com

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