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Results (406 - 408 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#12110 duplicate Opening too large a window when uploading - transfers fail Rapidity

When uploading from a windows fileshare the transfer fails as FileZilla is opening to large a window for the connection to the server.

#12109 duplicate Reopen/follow up to ticket #12102 SFTP uploads to Cerberus Server of 1GB+ fail Rapidity


Can I follow up on the closed case #12102 please. I consulted with my sftp server vendor re the issues you found in the case - primarily your finding that the window being opened was too big and that the Filezilla client was waiting for a long time to do something.

Your reply seems to say that it is the server setting the windows so large and that the upload should start immediately. They are saying it is FileZilla setting the windows so large and that they are waiting for the client to something.

So their questions are:

  1. Why is the setting of the window to be so large (2GB?) a problem and
  2. Is Filezilla expecting some sort of a response from the server once all the key exchange etc. has completed before starting to upload?

They are quite keen to resolve the issue with you. It is only manifesting with FileZilla - other Putty based clients (WinSCP) seem OK. Indeed Cerberus with other clients is fine and FileZilla with other servers is fine - it just seems to be the combination of the two having the issue.

Thanks Neil

#12107 invalid He actualizado el sofware automáticamente tal como me lo ha solicitado y ahora no funciona. José Luis Giménez

Al iniciar una transmisión a mi servidor habitual mediante FileFilla, me ha solicitado la actualización y después de actualizarla, ya no me permite acceder a mi servidor. Adjunto captura pantalla.

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