Custom Query (8174 matches)


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Results (403 - 405 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#404 Client: Deleting many files is slow if they are selected blujay

If you're deleting several thousand files from a remote directory, and they are still selected in the remote view pane, the CPU usage remains at 100% and the files are deleted at a rate of about one every two seconds. If you click in the remote pane and deselect all of the files, they start deleting as fast as the server can handle it.

Must be some bug in the window pane code, maybe it's in Windows itself, but a workaround would be to automatically deselect the files if there are more than a certain number of them being deleted and the directory they're being deleted from is the one displayed in the remote pane.

#405 FileZilla Server - remote Dir rocko143

Setup: Filezilla Server and Filezilla Client

If you are in the root directory of the FTP user and you try to go one folder up, it shows the physical path of the folder in which you are c:\xxx\xxx\xx or d:\xxx,

I think it is a security/feature issue

#406 View|Show hidden files needs touching... anonymous

Hidden files are not always beeing displayed unless you again disable/enable the Show hidden files option in the view menu.

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