Custom Query (8174 matches)


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Results (403 - 405 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#8342 outdated Sin conexion Lorena Lorena

El filezil andaba muy bien hasta q me pidio la actualizacion, lo actualize y no anduvo mas.... necesito un respuesta inmediata ya que es parte de mi trabajo..

#4591 duplicate Scheduling feature for download Umang Shah

Can you add scheduling feature for download in filezilla client. Files that are in download queue starts and stops downloading.

#788 Settings import does not work properly Alexander Schuch ultrasick

Hi, there is propably a bug in the import function. I noticed a few weeks ago in the .9 version that importing the ftp sites does not work if you import the settings right after it and then close the programm and reopen it. I thought i did somehthing wrong, but now i just installed version .10 and the same happend again.

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Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.