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Results (400 - 402 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#2827 fixed Add "copy version info" button to About dialog takrl

I think it would help bug reporting if the "About" dialog box had a "copy version info" button which simply copied all relevant version information to the clipboard, to be pasted into a bug report. This could then even contain the OS and Version used, Compilation date etc. and not just the FileZilla version number in question. Basically, it could include any info you'd need for debugging that's accessible to you at runtime.

FZ Client Version used: on Windows XP Prof. SP2

#1897 Add Command RNFR RNTO (RENAME) anonymous

Please add the possibility to move on the server side a file or a folder using the drag and drop. Commands used to accomplish this are RNFR and RNTO.

Many thanks for this good product.

#4806 rejected Add FTP over SSH (tunneling using a proxy server) db8200

It's a common problem to have a restricted Internet connection. Sometimes it's not possible to access FTP servers, or other times the FTP server can be located on a private network. In these cases, when an SSH connection is possible, it can be useful to have some type of SSH proxy act as a gateway to the FTP server.

SSH tunneling allows to encapsulate the FTP control connection: ssh -L myuser@… -N ftp localhost 2121

But there is still a problem with the data connection. In active mode, it requires a connection from server to client, which is impossible in most cases. In passive mode, Filezilla accesses the server using the IP specified in response to the PASV command, if it is routable, or the IP address used for the control connection, if the other one is not routable. The port number is specified by the server. With both IP addresses, it will be impossible to connect ( is not directly accessible, and localhost does not have an SSH tunnel on the specified port).

So, to solve the problem in passive mode, just after the answer to the PASV command, and before the RETR or directory listing command, the FTP client should create an SSH tunnel from localhost to with the same port number on both sides (as specified by the server after PASV).

I tried to do that with Filezilla (trunk) on Linux. Since I don't know how to use Putty code for SSH port forwarding, I did it the dirty way, using the ssh command as in the shell. SSH authentication is handled by ssh using a public key in my case, so Filezilla does not care about it.

I don't send this code as a patch submission, because I know that it cannot be integrated in this way in FileZilla.

In CFtpControlSocket::ParsePasvResponse(CRawTransferOpData* pData) (src/engine/ftpcontrolsocket.cpp:3809):

// Create an SSH tunnel on the port specified by the server for the passive data connection
int error = 0;
static int tunnelPID = 0;
if( m_pSocket->GetRemotePort(error) == 2121 ) // I use this port only for SSH tunneling
        if ( tunnelPID )
                kill( tunnelPID, 15 ); // SIGTERM (include signal.h)
                waitpid( tunnelPID, &error, 0 ); // (include sys/wait.h)
        wxString portFw = wxString::Format("%d:%s:%d", pData->port, pData->host.c_str(), pData->port);
        if ( !( tunnelPID = fork() ) )
                execlp("ssh", "ssh", "-L", portFw.c_str(), "", "-N", "-n", NULL);
        pData->host = peerIP; // Connect to localhost (SSH tunnel), not to the specified IP
        sleep(4); // myproxyserver is somewhat slow to create the tunnel

I use tunneling only on port 2121 (I want Filezilla to work as usual for port 21). Old SSH processes are killed because I assume that they are not used anymore (data transfer is terminated, and there is only one connection at a time). I fork filezilla to execute ssh, then the original filezilla process freezes ;-) during 4 seconds to be sure that the tunnel is created, because I don't have another way to know that. When the function returns, FileZilla connects to localhost:pData->port to create the data connexion. This process is repeated for each transfer.

All these things will necessarily be slower than a direct FTP connection, and since I did it badly, it's VERY slow (waiting 4 seconds for each transfer), but it does actually work, and allows me to access my FTP servers almost "as usual" with a connection that does not allow FTP.

I hope you will find this useful. It would be nice to have such option in a future version of FileZilla.

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