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Results (400 - 402 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#4877 rejected error message after update ummnadia

hello, after I opened filezilla I got a message saying there is an updated version available, so I updated filezilla. now when I want to connect to the servers, it gives me this message;

Waiting to retry... Status: Resolving address of Error: Connection timed out Error: Could not connect to server

Please advise?

Thank you very much.

#12386 fixed Speed limit for upload is of by a factor of ten Uwe

My Internet Connection has 5 MBit/s Upload limit.

I wanted some 1500 MBit/s upload speed. To achieve this I have to set Filezilla to 150 kBit/s in the speed limit dialog. See Screen Shots. When I set the speed limit to 600 kBit/s, FileZilla consumes the whole upload bandwidth.

This used to be working right in previous versions of FileZila Client

#12426 worksforme FileZilla 3.53 kills my ubuntu 20.04 network-manager Uwe

This is an very awkward problem.It's been annoying me on my notebook for 5 months now and when it started on my local server as well I can now track it down to the install of Filezilla 3.53.1.

First things first.

My laptop started to fail to boot into network. After some log search I always dig the following error message from syslog: Apr 15 16:50:31 Quietearth2 NetworkManager[1244]: /usr/sbin/NetworkManager: symbol lookup error: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ undefined symbol: gnutls_srp_allocate_client_credentials, version GNUTLS_3_4

Removing /usr/local/lib/ makes network manager start again.

Now the same error ocurred on the reboot of my server after the recent first time installation of filezilla client. And the same workaround made Network-Manager start again.

It is the lib that came with filezilla.

My laptop is a Kubuntu 20.04.2 Thinkpad T460, my server is an Ubuntu 20.04.2 Dell Optiplex 7040

I downloaded the tarball of the client and copied the files from bin, lib und share in /usr/local respectively.

If I can provide further system info and logs, feel free to ask.

I suspect the to have a similar problem but I can not provide the same clear evidence as above.

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