Custom Query (8174 matches)


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Results (397 - 399 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#383 res\donate.bmp not in CVS kklobe

when doing a clean CVS checkout, res\donate.bmp is not present, causing the build to fail.

#2377 request for a simple list bigguywhokills

I would like the ability to use list (ls) without any options. ls -a doesn't work on a WMCS OS machine.

#75 replies 150 and 226 on ls come together anonymous

Just a thought I am not claiming to be an expert on this.

The replies to ls 150 and 226 come together on the same server reply. the client has to dig in there to find out that those are actually to responses.

I thought it was confusing to the client side it was in my client (my program), nothing I could not handle though. I just though it might be confusing to other clients.

I read the RFC959 and it is not clear whether you should send them seperatelly

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