Custom Query (8174 matches)


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Results (394 - 396 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#3236 Cannot create new connection unhindered

Windows Vista Home Premium, Filezilla 3 - cannot create a new connection in the connection manager. Connection manager fields are greyed-out, and there is no context right-click menu on the accounts to create a new connection. Quickconnect does work fine.

#3237 Help > About freezes Program unhindered

Windows Vista Home Premium, Filezilla 3, clicking on Help>About to get the exact version for previous bug report, program froze and Vista closed it as a non-responsive program. Tried this twice, same result.

#1087 0 Mb Size Calculation Alexander Schuch Edward

I know it's petty, but it's hard to guage if my transfer went through correctly if it says that the file size is 0 Mb. Even as little as 10.24 Kb is still .01 Mb

I'd like to see Mb display in fractions thereof, rather than whole numbers and zeros. I'm submitting my petty request as a bug because the majority of my ASCii files show as 0 Mb. I've attached a screenshot to express the frustration.

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