Custom Query (8174 matches)


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Results (391 - 393 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#5417 rejected retrieving previous logs on admin interface startup Marcin

retrieving previous logs on admin interface startup is what i miss, specially when managing server from different computer than server (which is typical - server is on separate computer). in addition there should be option for retrieving number of lines from logs or number of days (maybe with possibility to choose the range of days), and possibility to search text inside log (displayed or the whole saved)

#1050 retrieving directory list from server Alexander Schuch raydegennaro

We can get through using a command line ftp, but filezilla returns this error message:

Error: Transfer channel can't be opened. Reason: The requested address is not valid in its context. Error: Timeout detected!

We are using xitami version 2.5c2 filezilla version 2.2.19a OS: Windows xp pro service pack 2.

#427 resume fail on reconnect arimicci
  • logged in a site
  • starting download of a binary file
  • closing client while downloading
  • open the client again, I see the queue with

downloading file

  • Process Queue
  • client connects to site and tells me download is

complete, even I got few bytes before, and lot of bytes still to download

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