Custom Query (8174 matches)


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Results (388 - 390 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#13040 worksforme File comparison shows green when files are not the same size Robert

When using the file comparison feature, files are marked lightgreen when they in fact are not the same size and/or have different dates and times. Happens on different webhosters in different transfer modes SFTP, FTP and FTP/TLS. I realized this a few months ago, but thought the failure would be fixed shortly. Seems not.

#1182 Transfer queue seems to have a hard limit of items to queue updates

Transfer queue seems to have a hard limit of items to queue. I tried to download about 600,000 files in about 2000 folders from a ftp server. Drag all the folders on the server to the local file tree. FileZilla would queue up only about just under 64,000 files and refuse to queue more. Furthermore, after the files are queued up, it does not automatically process the transfer queue. You have to check menu "Process Queue" for it to start processing queue. Could it be the counter of the queue item is a 16 bit integer - just a guess?

#4003 rejected Error in French translation untroll


You are using English units for the file sizes. In French, you should use the following units :

1 o (1 byte) (never used, converts to Ko instead) 1 Ko (1 KB) 1 Mo (1 MB) 1 Go (1 GB) 1 To (1 TB)

Thank you!

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