Custom Query (8174 matches)


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Results (379 - 381 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#11589 fixed saving port numbers for port 22 dng-auditor

Hello, I've googled filezila not saving port numbers and note that it does not display known default ports. I'm using under win7. I'm trying to connect via sftp using port 22. I'm able to connect when I manually type in port 22. but if I connect with the default setting without the port 22, it does not connect at all. I believe this to be an issue with the software.

#1610 save setting in a file anonymous

I think it would be better to save the setting and ftp configuration in a file instead of in the registery

#9156 fixed save login details from the quick connect bar history Shijith


I have been using FileZilla for the last two years. Its a great app. I do have a suggestion. It would be great if you can implement a feature to save login details from the quick connect bar history.

Some softwares like CCleaner will clear the quickconnect history by default. We will need to manually change the CCleaner settings to prevent this.

I had lost some of my clients login details because of this.

Please let me know your thoughts.

Thanks, Shijith.

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