Custom Query (8174 matches)


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Results (379 - 381 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#447 Unable to retreive directories list from MVS Server anonymous


I am using FileZilla V2.2 (french language).

I cannot retreive directories list from an IBM MVS Server.

Etat : Récupération de la liste de répertoires... Commande : CWD /'TEMP'/ Réponse : 550 CWD cmd failed : EDC5129I No such file or directory. Erreur : N'a pas pu récupérer la liste du répertoire

same as post previously send:

Response: 230 XAHEDM is logged on. Working directory is "XAHEDM.". Status: Connected Status: Starting upload of O:\FTP Temp\test.send Command: CWD /'XAHEDM.'/ Response: 550 CWD cmd failed : EDC5129I No such file or directory. Command: CWD / Response: 250 HFS directory / is the current working directory

Do you have a setting or patch in order to support MVS ?

thanks in advance,

-- mushu

smtp: Logestim@…

#448 corrupted files when resume from timeout arimicci

Files resumed after a send timeout are sometime corrupted. I suggest to trim files of some KB (the amount maybe can be setup in options) before resume them.

#449 Message log shows only last line benpollinger

Using recent versions (2.1.6 to 2.2.0) on Win98SE. This did not happen in older versions.

The message log behaves fine until its window is full. After that, it shows only the most recent line, at the top of the window. Previous lines are only readable by scrolling up, and as soon as a new message is received (FTP command or response), they disappear again.

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