Custom Query (8174 matches)


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Results (376 - 378 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#377 Enter a valid url with invalid path in the address box leave robbage_techie

Win98SE, FZ 2.1.8c

Enter this into the address box: "" You connect the the server ok, get an error invalid path as expected and now cannot navigate the site, even though you are still connected.

#378 Change to Local Drive R: failed ,,,, anonymous

The Programm hangs wenn i try to change the local destination to R:

the contents of R: is

Datenträger in Laufwerk R: hat keine Bezeichnung. Datenträgernummer: 0000-0000

Verzeichnis von R:\

13.07.2003 12:55 <DIR> . 13.07.2003 12:55 <DIR> .. 09.10.2002 10:47 <DIR> QOpenSys 09.10.2002 10:47 <DIR> QDLS 09.10.2002 10:47 <DIR> QSYS.LIB 09.10.2002 10:47 <DIR> QOPT 09.10.2002 10:47 <DIR> QFileSvr.400 09.10.2002 10:47 <DIR> QNTC 09.10.2002 14:02 <DIR> dev 09.10.2002 10:47 <DIR> home 15.07.2003 13:36 <DIR> tmp 28.11.2002 23:26 <DIR> etc 26.10.2002 09:05 <DIR> usr 09.10.2002 13:59 <DIR> QIBM 14.07.2003 21:10 <DIR> QSR 09.10.2002 14:02 <DIR> bin 09.10.2002 14:04 <DIR> var 14.07.2003 07:52 603 dev_rout 09.10.2002 14:18 <DIR> QTCPTMM 09.10.2002 14:18 <DIR> www 09.10.2002 15:39 <DIR> QNetWare 13.07.2003 12:55 0 QXDALISTEN 14.07.2003 11:40 <DIR> sapmnt 15.07.2003 05:56 <DIR> BRMSSPLF 06.05.2003 11:02 <DIR> sapcd 03.03.2003 14:50 <DIR> cd

2 Datei(en) 603 Bytes

24 Verzeichnis(se), 401'775'792'128 Bytes frei

Can you fix this Problem the Programm is Freezing , nothing do work .... after change to R: Please Help..... Thanks Nerve nerve@…

#379 choosing items in queue difficult anonymous

When the queue has many small files that are being downloaded, it is difficult to choose a particular file in the queue because the selection keeps moving to another file.

For example, if I wanted to pause file foo.txt, I can't choose it to pause because everytime I click on it in the queue, the selected file moves.

A workaround I found is to stop the entire queue, make my changes, and then restart the queue.

A related problem I noticed happens when I select a bunch of files, and then choose "pause" from the right- click menu. The selection then just moves to the next batch of files in the list. This really isn't a bug, but it is quirky - I've never seen this behaviour with other windows apps. I would expect one of two things: (a) the selection is cleared, or (b) the status of the files just changes to "paused", but the same files remain selected.

Overall, this is a great product. Keep up the good work!

Batch Modify
Note: See TracBatchModify for help on using batch modify.
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.