Custom Query (8174 matches)


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Results (370 - 372 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#1310 security issue Filezilla Client 3.0.1 siacom

Hi, the file

X:\Documents and Settings\USER\Application Data\FileZilla\sitemanager.xml

contains the password without encrypt.

Windows version

#2030 secure MD5 login phobie

support for secure login, like raidenftpd does.

Response: 220 Please enter your login name now. Command: USER somelogin Response: 331 Response to otp-md5 354 all302 required for skey. Command: PASS * Response: 530 Not logged in (Password incorrect). Error: Unable to connect!

with FlashFXP this login/pass works fine

#4289 duplicate searching a file or a pattern on connected ftp-server origpumu

I want to have the ability to search a file by name or pattern like *.pdf on the connected ftpserver. This search should include looking for files in subdirectories.

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