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Results (364 - 366 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#5480 fixed Password authentication not used if the public key authentication fails because of MaxAuthTries and number of keys in local agent mnaumann

I have several dozen SSH key pairs on this system. When trying to connect to an OpenSSH 2 server using the SFTP protocol, and try to authenticate with a password (as provided in the site manager), authentication fails and I end up with this message:

Too many authentication failures for <username>

What happens is that FileZilla uses pageant, detects thse key pairs I have, connects to the server and doesn't send my password, but tries as many of those key pairs as it can, which I have never asked for (I have not imported any of my SSH keys to FileZilla). After a few failed authentication requests (due to non-matching keys), the server drops the connection. My log (edits are marked <like so>):

02:58:17	Status:	Connecting to
02:58:17	Trace:	Going to execute /home/<username>/FileZilla3/bin/fzsftp
02:58:17	Response:	fzSftp started
02:58:17	Trace:	CSftpControlSocket::ConnectParseResponse(fzSftp started)
02:58:17	Trace:	CSftpControlSocket::SendNextCommand()
02:58:17	Trace:	CSftpControlSocket::ConnectSend()
02:58:17	Command:	open "<username>@<server>" 22
02:58:17	Trace:	Server version: SSH-1.99-OpenSSH_5.1
02:58:17	Trace:	Using SSH protocol version 2
02:58:17	Trace:	We claim version: SSH-2.0-PuTTY_Local:_Jun_13_2010_23:34:32
02:58:17	Trace:	Doing Diffie-Hellman group exchange
02:58:18	Trace:	Doing Diffie-Hellman key exchange with hash SHA-256
02:58:19	Trace:	Host key fingerprint is:
02:58:19	Trace:	ssh-rsa 2048 <SSH fingerprint>
02:58:19	Trace:	Initialised AES-256 SDCTR client->server encryption
02:58:19	Trace:	Initialised HMAC-SHA1 client->server MAC algorithm
02:58:19	Trace:	Initialised AES-256 SDCTR server->client encryption
02:58:19	Trace:	Initialised HMAC-SHA1 server->client MAC algorithm
02:58:20	Trace:	Pageant is running. Requesting keys.
02:58:20	Trace:	Pageant has <many> SSH-2 keys
02:58:20	Trace:	Trying Pageant key #0
02:58:21	Trace:	Server refused public key
02:58:21	Trace:	Trying Pageant key #1
02:58:22	Trace:	Server refused public key
02:58:22	Trace:	Trying Pageant key #2
02:58:24	Trace:	Server refused public key
02:58:24	Trace:	Trying Pageant key #3
02:58:25	Trace:	Server refused public key
02:58:25	Trace:	Trying Pageant key #4
02:58:26	Trace:	Server refused public key
02:58:26	Trace:	Trying Pageant key #5
02:58:27	Trace:	Received disconnect message (protocol error)
02:58:27	Trace:	Disconnection message text: Too many authentication failures for <username>
02:58:27	Trace:	Server sent disconnect message
02:58:27	Trace:	type 2 (protocol error):
02:58:27	Trace:	"Too many authentication failures for <username>"
02:58:27	Error:	Server sent disconnect message
02:58:27	Error:	type 2 (protocol error):
02:58:27	Error:	"Too many authentication failures for <username>"
02:58:27	Trace:	CSftpControlSocket::ResetOperation(66)
02:58:27	Trace:	CControlSocket::ResetOperation(66)
02:58:27	Error:	Could not connect to server
02:58:27	Status:	Waiting to retry...
02:58:32	Status:	Connecting to <server>...
02:58:32	Trace:	Going to execute /home/user1/FileZilla3/bin/fzsftp
02:58:32	Response:	fzSftp started
02:58:32	Trace:	CSftpControlSocket::ConnectParseResponse(fzSftp started)
02:58:32	Trace:	CSftpControlSocket::SendNextCommand()
02:58:32	Trace:	CSftpControlSocket::ConnectSend()
02:58:32	Command:	open "<username>@<server>" 22
02:58:33	Trace:	Server version: SSH-1.99-OpenSSH_5.1
02:58:33	Trace:	Using SSH protocol version 2
02:58:33	Trace:	We claim version: SSH-2.0-PuTTY_Local:_Jun_13_2010_23:34:32
02:58:33	Trace:	Doing Diffie-Hellman group exchange
02:58:34	Trace:	Doing Diffie-Hellman key exchange with hash SHA-256
02:58:35	Trace:	Host key fingerprint is:
02:58:35	Trace:	ssh-rsa 2048 <ssh_fingerprint>
02:58:35	Trace:	Initialised AES-256 SDCTR client->server encryption
02:58:35	Trace:	Initialised HMAC-SHA1 client->server MAC algorithm
02:58:35	Trace:	Initialised AES-256 SDCTR server->client encryption
02:58:35	Trace:	Initialised HMAC-SHA1 server->client MAC algorithm
02:58:35	Trace:	Pageant is running. Requesting keys.
02:58:35	Trace:	Pageant has <many> SSH-2 keys
02:58:36	Trace:	Trying Pageant key #0
02:58:37	Trace:	Server refused public key
02:58:37	Trace:	Trying Pageant key #1
02:58:38	Trace:	Server refused public key
02:58:38	Trace:	Trying Pageant key #2
02:58:39	Trace:	Server refused public key
02:58:39	Trace:	Trying Pageant key #3
02:58:41	Trace:	Server refused public key
02:58:41	Trace:	Trying Pageant key #4
02:58:42	Trace:	Server refused public key
02:58:42	Trace:	Trying Pageant key #5
02:58:43	Trace:	Received disconnect message (protocol error)
02:58:43	Trace:	Disconnection message text: Too many authentication failures for <username>
02:58:43	Trace:	Server sent disconnect message
02:58:43	Trace:	type 2 (protocol error):
02:58:43	Trace:	"Too many authentication failures for <username>"
02:58:43	Error:	Server sent disconnect message
02:58:43	Error:	type 2 (protocol error):
02:58:43	Error:	"Too many authentication failures for <username>"
02:58:43	Trace:	CSftpControlSocket::ResetOperation(66)
02:58:43	Trace:	CControlSocket::ResetOperation(66)
02:58:43	Error:	Could not connect to server

Starting filezilla as

SSH_AUTH_SOCK= ./filezilla

works around this issue.

#5499 fixed FileZilla Server 0.9.36 - Fix spelling errors in Options - Miscellaneous dialog window Grahame
  1. In the Miscellaneous settings dialog the text 'Adjust these values if you get very slow transferrates' should read 'Adjust these values if you get very slow transfer rates'.
  1. In the Miscellaneous settings dialog the text '.......buffer size carefully, too high.....' the text should read '.....buffer size carefully. Too high....' (The comma should be replaced with a full stop, then a new sentence started).
#5500 fixed A batch file upload failed on 3.3.4 RC1 Adrian Wijasa


I tried to upload a number of files into a server through FileZilla by clicking a file, then Shift Click that resulted in a selection of 11 files. Then, I drag & drop the files to the server file list.

Opted to overwrite the existing files > Always use this action > Apply to current queue only.

All the 11 transfers then failed.

Batch Modify
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