Custom Query (8174 matches)


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Results (361 - 363 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#3668 Accentuated chars yo__

When I want to add files in a accentuated directory, FZ 3.1.1 creates a new directory whith acentuated chars replaced. An example :

Original directory : /gal/photo/08 07 29 Troll aménagement intérieur

After adding a file the new directory beside the other : /gal/photo/08 07 29 Troll aménagement intérieur

This new directory doesn't appear instantly in remote panel. I've to refresh to see this new one.


#361 Accept SSL dialog does not display fingerprint sanjuroe

When connecting to a FTP server over SSL the client displays a "Accept certificate?" dialog allowing the user to either reject or accept the certificate.

The dialog however does not display the keys fingerprint, making it impossible to determine if the client is talking to the server intended or that someone is using a man-in-the-middle attach to steal passwords using a fake certificate.

#312 Access Violation in CApiLog::LogMessage kklobe

Binary for 2.1.7 compiled with VC++ 7.1 causes an access violation in CApiLog::LogMessage when exiting FileZilla.exe. The attached .diff fixes the problem.

Batch Modify
Note: See TracBatchModify for help on using batch modify.
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