Custom Query (8174 matches)


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Results (358 - 360 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#3313 Accented Letters Bug baglio

I cannot download via ftp files containing accented letters (à è é ì ò ù): Filezilla 3 reports a fatal error and the download doesn't start. If I want to download the file I must rename it removing the accented letters.

#3314 Accented Letters Bug baglio

I cannot download via ftp files containing accented letters (à è é ì ò ù): Filezilla 3 reports a fatal error and the download doesn't start. If I want to download the file I must rename it removing the accented letters.

#276 Accents not recognized anonymous

Accentuated characteres (é,è,ù,à, etc...) are not recognised and replaced by a comma.

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