Custom Query (8174 matches)


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Results (358 - 360 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#2800 Site Manager: user should be optional Alexander Schuch larsen255


I have a server where I need to login with many different user names from time to time but I don´t need/want to save a site for each user name.

It would be comfortable if I could just leave the user field blank and be asked by FileZilla on connect just like with the password.


#2803 Site Manager: Bypass proxy settings Alexander Schuch dapofr


Following the recent implementation requested in "[1209840] proxy config", is it possible to add a checkbox "bypass proxy settings" in Site Manager ?


#2811 "Lock together" the remote and local views toggle Alexander Schuch sunstorm1000

When publishing files, I often have to upload a file from one directory in the webroot tree of my development server, to the same folder in the tree of the publish server. It's very annoying having to walk both trees every time. It would be very helpful if, at the toggle of a button, I could navigate both views at the same time, provided that the folders exist. It should be simple to check if there's a folder with the same name in the remote view when you navigate the local tree (and vice-versa) and navigate there as well. A bonus would be if the file you've selected on one of the views would become highlighted on both sides.

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