Custom Query (8174 matches)


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Results (358 - 360 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#359 UI - default font colour in QuickConnect bar is black anonymous

When using FileZilla under Win98SE, High Contrast#2 colour scheme (black background, green text), the text in the Quick Connect bar is not visible (only see the fields, cannot see the words "Address:", "User:", "Password:", "Port:", as tehy are hard-coded as black text, and the colour scheme uses a black background). Other toolbars do not appear to be affected, but I did not check everything.

#360 bad hiccup on upload skode

In FileZilla 2.1.6 sometimes when I use 'Overwrite if newer' and possibly also on 'Overwrite', the last few lines of a file is appended after the file has been uploaded completely.

For HTML files this means that the last few lines of code appear unparsed at the bottom of the page. I presume it would be harder to notice and more troublesome for binary files.

I can fix this by deleting the bad file and reuploading. Overwriting seems to cause the same problem.

This doesn't seem to be a file size problem as bigger or similarly sized files don't always have this problem.

Attached is a file that it happened to today. This was one of many.

#361 Accept SSL dialog does not display fingerprint sanjuroe

When connecting to a FTP server over SSL the client displays a "Accept certificate?" dialog allowing the user to either reject or accept the certificate.

The dialog however does not display the keys fingerprint, making it impossible to determine if the client is talking to the server intended or that someone is using a man-in-the-middle attach to steal passwords using a fake certificate.

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