Custom Query (8174 matches)


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Results (358 - 360 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#7929 fixed server ignores detected ip for passive mode sebcsaba

I have the following setting:

<Item name="Custom PASV IP type" type="numeric">2</Item>
<Item name="Custom PASV IP server" type="string"></Item>

And I'm behind a nat router. When connecting to the server from the internet, I got my local IP:

ftp> passive
Passive mode on.
ftp> ls
227 Entering Passive Mode (192,168,1,18,86,206)

The same from the server interface:

> 227 Entering Passive Mode (192,168,1,18,86,206)

And of course, it can't connect.

When setting IP type to 1 and hardcode my current IP, it works. (So my router doesn't change the content of the communication.) I tried more websites, but in all case the result was the same.

As I see, the server simply ignores the IP got from the website.

(Server version: 0.9.40 beta)

#9870 outdated server error thefixer

I just installed FileZilla a few hours ago.

When I start FileZilla server, it stays at

Connecting to server... Connected, waiting for authentication

then it tries to reconnect

#3296 server communication log not shown molumen

I just installed 3.0.2 on windows XP (SP2), imported the XML from version 2.2.32 and tried to connect to the servers. It works (I can upload/download), but the field where I normally see the communication between the FTP clent and the server stays blank.

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