Custom Query (8174 matches)


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Results (358 - 360 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#3112 Faster delete of files vanbroup

Deleting a bulk of files (say 1000) takes a long time till you click a right mouse button in the remote file list or press the esc key.

#3442 interface bug in firewall and router configuration wizard vaisius

My system Windows XP SP2 32bit. Filezilla client version

Bug reproduction:

edit->settings->connection-> run configuration wizard now...

next next next next next test

There is summary of test results. The problem is that text is not wrapped to another line and I cannot see complete text. I've attached a file. It shows everything. The same problem I've noticed in previous 3.x versions of filezilla client.

#11304 duplicate Some new feature requests Vaibhav Gupta

Hello, I need these features to be added in filezilla.. plz have a look:

  1. option to remember yes/no option in "File has change" dialogue and we can revert this option from settings too...
  1. if I choosen as Yes from "File has change" and also ticked "Remember option", then whenever a file being edited and saved, it'll be automatically uploaded like it do when we click yes...
  1. option to change default option on double click/enter on the files list, means, we can set default option to either open/edit on double click/enter pressed...
  1. please, provide keyboard shortcuts for actions like edit etc.
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