Custom Query (8174 matches)


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Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#1999 fixed Disconnect notice after queue transfer when disconnected Scott M. Sanders

If you're not connected to a server and you process the queue, the FileZilla client tells you when connects to the server(s) and when it processes each item in the queue, but it doesn't tell you if/when it disconnects from the server(s).

#2049 fixed Overwrite options -> Where file size is larger anonymous

One thing I've seen in other FTP clients is the option to overwrite where the filesize is smaller or larger. This is useful in conjunction with the option to download based on "last updated" date. Sometimes file transfers will break and the client's error detection will fail. Having the option to overwrite based on filesize is also good when files on the client have been changed, but you still want to overwrite them with files on the host side. Sometime, files on the host will have a newer "last updated" date than on the client, without having actually been changed (they were only touched), and therefore overwriting based on date causes a lot of unnecessary transferring and overwriting.

#2098 fixed improve the way symbolic links are displayed anonymous

Currently symbolic links are shown with the same icons as folders. It is confusing, and it would be much better if they would be displayed more like regular files. Ideally also with the data about where they are linked to.

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