Custom Query (8174 matches)


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Results (346 - 348 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#2717 Display which Site currently connected to Alexander Schuch jalamb

Using Vista & Filezilla 3.0.0 it does not display which Site you are connected to. When using with multiple site it can be confusing. This could be a tick on the Site Manager dropdown against the last connected server, or displayed in the outer window title.

#2718 Refresh display after transfers complete Alexander Schuch cedial

It would be very nice to have Filezilla 3 refresh the target directory display when the transfer completes.

Filezilla 2 does this now, and it is not clear why this useful feature was dropped.

#2726 No log file found, or options for one. Alexander Schuch pinned

v3.0.1.0 (non beta)

I have no log file, neither anywhere in the programme. Is there anything about a log file activate/deactivate or log file location. No where no even in the manager, more so no even in the options. I would like it available to log connections as needed from a chosen log location. I see this as a bug not a request,as all ftp clients have logging available.

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