Custom Query (8174 matches)


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Results (343 - 345 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#3491 AVI doesn't display on the list Alexander Schuch iki13


Sometimes, users cant see movies they upload in the display list whatever FTP Servers. In fact, only AVI files aren't displayed. Take an avi file, upload it, it will be in FTP but you won't see it with FileZilla. You need to use another FTP Client. More precisly, it's the file extension .AVI which isn't listed (MIME type isn't checked). Upload any files, rename it with the extension .avi, refresh, oh it disappeared !

Here is a video that shows the bug

the attached file contains a "refresh" log with debug lvl 4. AVI files are on the server but filezilla doesn't display them.

FileZILLA XP uptodate


#10782 duplicate Ability To Search Sites in Site Manager Clint Decker

I do web development and have 100's of sites that I connect to. I have everything organized in folders using the site manager, but it can still be tricky sometimes finding the site I want to connect to. It would be really nice to have some type of keyword filter search for the Site Manager. Maybe right next to where it says "Select Entry", if there could be a text box that filters the results based on keyword.

#1612 Ability to Drag Files Onto Folders blujay

It would be very nice if you could drag a file from the local or remote panes onto a folder icon in the other pane to upload or download to it. As it is now, you must chdir to a directory before you can upload a file to it. If that directory has a lot of files in it, it can take a long time to download the directory listing. It seems like it would be relatively simple to implement. Other FTP clients, like Bullet Proof FTP, let you do that.


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