Custom Query (8174 matches)


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Results (343 - 345 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#344 speed limits are not set correctly when using custom rules anonymous

When I set the custom speed limit rules and click OK, the rules are GONE!!! But - when I restart FileZilla, they are there ???!!!! My settings are stored in XML file.

#345 Problem with 2+ instances chainkeiya

I have following problems with more than one instance of FileZilla:

Lets say we have Instance A and B (A started first)

I connect to a server with A and DL. Then I make a new entry in the Site Manager to U/L something. I do the transfer and close A.

Now: 1) The new site just isnt saved! 2) The queue of B wont be saved!

#346 Troubles with specials Chars in dirnames chainkeiya

I wont submit thi tracker item, if I knew that this happens with EVERY FTP Client.

But, DAP (Download Accelerator Pro) hasnt got any problems, so i just say it:

When I have strange Chars in a Dirname, then it just says "Dir doesnt exist" These are as an example this strange y with two points over it...

Batch Modify
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Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.