Custom Query (8174 matches)


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Results (337 - 339 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#2671 Site Manager Integrated Alexander Schuch emartsnet

The Site Manager integrated of the filezilla client, like CuteFTP.

#2674 Sound settings Alexander Schuch vegeman

A nice feature would be to add sound settings to the interface so that the user could hear when:

1 - The ftp program connects to the server. 2 - When a file is transfered.

* Adding a "Browse" button so the user can attach his own sound file to the settings above.

Thanks !!!

#2678 Site Manager - Select Entry window size Alexander Schuch djcomo

I have about 200 different FTP sites that I used over the span of every few weeks. Some are just listed under 'My Sites', whereas some are listed within specific folders.

With all of the entries within this window, the size in FZ3 is much smaller and is much more cramped making the use of FZ3 uncomfortable.

The way that I would fix this is make the Site Manager overall window bigger and dedicate more horizontal space to the Select Entry area.

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