Custom Query (8174 matches)


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Results (337 - 339 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#11003 duplicate sftp doesn't work in 3.22 on Mac Os X Hubert Schölnast

I just updated to Version 3.22 and tried to connect to one of my servers via sftp. but the connection couldn't be established. I can't connect to any of my servers.

After downgrade to 3.21 everything worked fine. So it's definitely a bug in new version 3.22.

#3043 sftp doesn't default toport 22 bcuzeau

When creating a new site, or editing an existing site, selecting Sftp should change the default port from 21 to 22. I think it did in previous versions. Doesn not in version 3.0 beta

#3580 sftp connection question jeffreyren

When I connect with sftp, it frequently reports: Server unexpectedly closed network connection

If I refresh it again and again, sometimes it can work. It seems sftp is very unstable.

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