Custom Query (8174 matches)


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Results (334 - 336 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#5236 fixed preserve timestamps option Walter Griffioen

Hello! In Filezilla ftp client i enabled the preserve timestamps option in the transfer menu. After restarting the program this option is disabled again! So each time i have to enable it again. I think this is a bug. greetings Walter

#5238 fixed Windows 7 Taskbar behaviour Roy Cruse

If you pin filezilla to the windows 7 taskbar and then click it it opens a second icon on the task bar.

The expected behaviour is that the existing icon changes to display a border indicating that the application is running.

#5250 fixed 'nightly' builds update error Vladimir Voronov

FileZilla 3.3.2

When updating with 'nighlty' builds option, update gets file (March 3-4, 2010)

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