Custom Query (8174 matches)


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Results (334 - 336 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#5329 outdated Drag & Drop Tim Kellner

If i drag a file direct from the FTP Server to the Desktop (not to the desktop in the local list).

FileZilla create a Folder (for example "fz3-12719247126390") and i get a error message "Konnte das Ziel der Drag&Drop-Operation nicht ermitteln. Entweder ist die Shell-Erweiterung nicht ordnungsgemäßt eingerichtet oder Sie haben die Dateien nicht in ein Explorer-Fenster gezogen".

In other folders such Documents i get the same message.

#4837 rejected Version Sharon Deischer

I have been using FileZilla 3.1.10, since May of 2008; I have recently updated the version I have noticed that when I have multiple programs open when running the new version, my entire system crashes. It will take about four or five times of unplugging the computer to get it back up. Also once I do get up and running, I right click the file, and Download and Add files to queue, I use to be able to click on to start the file downloading.(it is now grayed out) Now I must select View/Edit to start the file downloading. The file does download but is not going to where I originally had pointed. The file being downloaded has a different filesize than what is actually being downloaded.

#10821 outdated Client: Directory structure freezes on remote site FlaJunkie

The remote site directory freezes at certain times. It takes a disconnect and reconnect to function normally again.

Oddly enough, you can drag and drop files from the local site to the remote site and they transfer, but no update occurs on the server site directory listing.

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