Custom Query (8174 matches)


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Results (334 - 336 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#338 graphical redraw-bug on resize window anonymous

When resizing, then minimizing filezilla and/or bringing it back to front, the transfer-queue window displays some two pixel-lines stuff that doesn't belong there. see image. nothing much of importance and probably easily fixed.

#339 Problem with upload (APPE) hjbent

When I upload files to my website then there are several files that have a problem. The message are: Command: APPE b.htm Response: 451 b.htm Append/Restart not permitted, try again. Error: Upload failed

The above message comes several times for the same file and then stops trying. If I then remove the file from the website the upload works without problems.

A lot of files work without problem.


#340 Ident server bug in settings dialog slicer86

How to get the bug:

1) Clear the user name in the ident text box. Now disable the ident server, and then close the dialog. 2) Open the settings dialog again, and re-enable the ident server. Type a username into the text box. 3) Switch to a different pane in the settings box, e.g. "SFTP settings". Click OK.

You should now see a message box telling you to type a username, even if you have typed one.

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