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Results (334 - 336 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#398 Exporting Large Queue/Closing FZ w/Large Queue = 100% CPU blujay

I help run a large Web site, and have been downloading the entire site to backup to CD. Right now I'm trying to download ~900MB from our main server, totaling several thousand files. Since FZ does not show a queue count (please add this!), I'm having to guess that the total is around 2,000-3,000 files.

Naturally, a transfer of this much data may not complete in one day, and I sure don't want to have to start over from scratch. Just downloading all of the directory listings takes about 10-15 minutes. So, I have been trying to export the queue.

I've tried exporting the entire queue of the ~900MB of files, and smaller portions of ~150MB, and whenever I try, FZ remains at 100% CPU usage, with memory usage continually fluctuating in small amounts. When I tried to export the 900MB queue, memory usage was around 96MB; when I tried the smaller one, it fluctuated more, from ~11MB to ~26MB, occasionally jumping to ~66MB.

I have FZ set to use XML, not the registry, and when I try to close FZ the same thing happens.

At first I had FZ set to use the registry, and when I tried to close it, the queue was so large, it ran the registry up to the max registry size, so I switched FZ to XML.

With the 900MB queue, I let FZ run at 100% CPU for around 15 minutes, which should certainly be enough on an Athlon XP 1700+ with 512MB of memory, don't you think? I mean, come on, what's a list of a few thousand files for a machine like that? :)

I think this is a fairly serious bug. If there's anything I can do to help the devs fix it, let me know.

#399 Queue: File Progress Bar Always White Background blujay

In the queue, in each file's progress bar that appears when the file is being downloaded, the background is always white, even if you have the "window" color in Windows set to a different color.

#400 server:cant open shared files anonymous

when downloading files from server, it seems try to open the file in "rw" mode instead of "ro" mode

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