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Results (331 - 333 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#1028 ASCII mode transfer corrupts files nix=>win ravenm

I have had multiple problems transferring to and from various linux servers from XP with filezilla my current version is 2.2.18. this problem was noted on previous versions as well.

I have noted may other seemingly unresolved but closed complaints about this bug.

It appears the problem relates to the file being first saved to the server in binary mode, in other words the crlf pair is retained.

if you then transfer the file to a windows machine in ascii mode the file becomes corrupted.

Filezilla does not account for the crlf pair and adds an extra cr making it crcrlf so in hex 0D 0A Becomes 0D 0D 0A

This has been verified.

to repeat it upload an ascii win/dos file to a nix server in binary mode then download it in ascii mode open the file in a hex editor not the hex values as above

I beleive this is the main source of various complaints about ascii mode transfers


filezilla should check for crlf not just cr when doing the ascii nix=>win conversion. if there is a crlf pair then leave as is if there is only a lf then add the cr

#325 ASCII mode transfer doesn't work hkdragon2

This has been reported at least twice before (tickets 614075, 580087), but as of the current version v2.1.7, FileZilla is still incapable of using ASCII mode for SFTP transfers. I am attempting to transfer Perl scripts but cannot use FileZilla because of this problem.

I want to use FileZilla because my current FTP client, WS_FTP LE, doesn't support SFTP; my server is being changed to SFTP only soon. Regardless of whether I download a particular file from my server, setting the file extension in Edit :: Settings :: ASCII / Binary :: ASCII file, or manually specify Transfer :: Transfer Type :: ASCII, the file is downloaded in Binary mode. If I download the same file with WS_FTP it is downloaded correctly in ASCII mode.

I understand that some versions of SFTP don't have an ASCII transfer mode. If that is the case, either the options for ASCII / Binary should all be greyed out when connected via SFTP, or preferably SFTP would itself handle the ASCII / Binary conversion...

#2085 ASCII/Binary toolbar button & sound indication of transfer anonymous

Hi, a couple of very handy options that I miss from SmartFTP:

1) a toolbar button allowing me to specify ASCII or binary transfer

2) ability to have a sound play when transfer of files to their destination is done, thereby enabling me to immediately do a refresh in my browser to see if the web page I've transferred looks as it should. The sound is a great cue because I don't have to be in FileZilla to watch and see when the file has transferred, instead I can be in my browser and hear when it's transferred.

Thank you for your wonderful program.

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