Custom Query (8174 matches)


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Results (328 - 330 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#809 ASCII file transfer truncates all files thewind

When you upload a file using ASCII as transfer method, all the files over 15700 bytes are truncated to aproximately between 15750 and 18900 bytes long, the remaining is lost.

I've cheked it and applies to every file I upload, even a 19Kb long file full of 'a', but every binary transfer works correct.

The bug applies to 2.2.9,2.2.10 and probably to versions prior.

#566 ASCII file transfers do not work qqqmac

OS of client: windows XP OS of server: HP-UX 11 Filezilla version: 2.2.3 I tried to transfer a file with a txt extension from windows PC to HP-UX server, using transfer type Auto- detect and transfer type ASCII. In both occasions, the file was transferred in binary mode leaving DOS line terminators in the file on the server.

#2283 ASCII file types shockzor


.ini .py (python source code)

to the list of files to be transfered in ASCII

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