Custom Query (8174 matches)


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Results (31 - 33 of 8174)

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Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#1981 fixed User profiles staltari

Filezilla is a very cool file transfer application but it seems to lack a feature surprisingly trivial: user profiles. All users share the same bookmarks that are stored in a system wide configuration file. On my home PC there are two users and this is impractical to find my own bookmark mixed with the other user's ones, figure it in a more etherogeneous environment like scools, universitie or offices... IMHO it should be better and *safer* having them stored into user's document folder (it can be found, for example, by inspecting USERPROFILE or HOMEPATH environment variables), and eventually check for a common configuration file (for default values or shared bookmarks) into Filezilla installdir or more consistently, into the path specified by ALLUSERPSROFILE environment variable.

#1982 fixed status bar: add Total Transfer Speed eklass

I think it would serve very well to have a total transfer speed, especially with multi-threaded downloading. This should be very simple to do, and it could be stuck down in the status bar.

Thank you.

#1991 fixed support for BACK button anonymous

Great application.. Would be nice with support for the BACK message to go to the previous folder though.. at least in the remote window.. should be pretty quick to do, too ;o)


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