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Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#31 sort by date error starless

If you sort the remote file list by date ascending (i.e., the most recent file is at the top - two clicks on the "Date" column header), and you have various files with the same date, but different timestamps, then the sort order is wrong: the files created later in that same day are placed down, while they should be at the top of the list! I rephrase: in the situation I described, the days are sorted fine, but the times are inverted. I hope you got the point.

The problem does not occur in the local file list, neither does when the lists are sorted with the most recent file at the bottom.

PS: I'm amazed by your fast response to my feature requests... Great!

#32 Plain Text Password zalith

Version 1.6

This is not really a bug but could be a security issue. When I extract a download queue it is put into a text file to reconnect again. The password is placed in the file as a plain text. A simple encoding algorithm could be use so it is not so easy to get someones password.

#33 FileZilla 1.6 - File exsists dialog Tim Kosse anonymous

The "File already exsists" dialog is way too small to display full path information.

One way to fix this is to define scrollable region where the information is displayed AND make the dialog resizeable.


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