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Results (325 - 327 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#3831 rejected ASCII File Types setting not kept when upgrading bm

Hello, At each new version upgrade, I choose "upgrade using existing settings". For most settings, it works fine, but each time the ASCII file types list is reset to the default value. I wish to only transfer dotfiles as ASCII, so at each new version I must remove the entire list of ASCII extensions. Thanks ! Ben

#2291 ASCII file extension in Options too short Tim Kosse mrmojorisin79

In Options, you can set several file extensions which should be treated as ASCII files. However, this field is limited to 10 positions. On the system I need to administer, extensions are used longer then 10 characters (for instance, foo.MailReceiver) In the current situation it is not possible to add these types as ASCII.

Please enlarge this field to , say, 255 positions??

#808 ASCII file transfer truncates all files thewind

When you upload a file using ASCII as transfer method, all the files over 15700 bytes are truncated to aproximately between 15750 and 18900 bytes long, the remaining is lost.

I've cheked it and applies to every file I upload, even a 19Kb long file full of 'a', but every binary transfer works correct.

The bug applies to 2.2.9,2.2.10 and probably to versions prior.

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