Custom Query (8174 matches)


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Results (325 - 327 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#10039 rejected I updated to the newer version of FileZilla (I now have version, I had previous today used FileZilla to access my website and FTP a file. When I look via my web browser, that change is visible. But FileZilla won't access my server. I got error message: Response: 530 Login authentication failed and (in red color) Error: Critical error: Could not connnect to server. Victory Crayne
#2874 Schedule victorwestmann

It would be lovelly to have tha ability to set any FTP transfer to a certain time(hh:mm) and date(yyyy-mm-dd) to a list of files.

#2875 Record Macros victorwestmann

It would simply kick ass if FileZilla could record some actions(, edit, save, delete and execute them too).

Batch Modify
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