Custom Query (8174 matches)


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Results (325 - 327 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#12321 worksforme Clisson


I am trying to edit a file but I get this message :

The 'functions.php' cannot be opened. The associated program ('Applications/' %f) could not be found. Please check your file type associations.

I've never had a problem with earlier versions. And I have installed and working. I am trying to finish a setup for a website launch on Wednesday, so please help me with this.

#12310 rejected Remote files with size 4294967295 (-1) aren't displayed in FileZilla client BillS

Running FileZilla client on Windows 10. Accessing a Toshiba 4690 OS system. A file that should have existed was not being shown in FileZilla. I signed on to the 4690 OS system via Telnet and saw that the file size was listed as 4294967295 (which is effectively "-1"). I don't know what that really means, other than "big". I used the built-in Windows 10 FTP client to connect to the 4690 OS system and it showed those files having a size of -1. They were log files and had grown huge. I had to delete them and unfortunately I didn't upgrade to latest FileZilla (I'm running 3.50.0), nor did I enable additional logging to see what FileZilla might have displayed.

#12309 worksforme Unable to connect to FileZilla Sanket Tambe

Hi Team,

I am unable to connect to FileZilla. I am getting error. Error:

Connection timed out after 20 seconds of inactivity Error: Could not connect to server

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