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Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#12350 rejected Debug level selector in Settings is broken php4fan

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Go to Edit / Settings
  2. Go to Debug
  3. Change the value of "Debug Information in message log" to something other than "warning": e.g., "Debug"
  4. Save and exit Settings
  5. OPTIONALLY restart FileZilla (will reproduce either way)
  6. Go to Settings again and again to Debug

Expected: the selector for "Debug Information in message log" should show the current level. Saving without touching it should not change the setting

Observed: regardless of what the current level is (that is, if you followed the steps above, regardless of the level you configured at step 3), the selector shows "1. Warning". If you now save the settings without having touched the debug level setting, it will be actually changed to Warning.

This is broken in two ways: 1) it doesn't show the actual current level; 2) it causes you to unintentionally change a setting without having touched it (by only changing other unrelated settings and saving) if you don't notice.

#12347 invalid Update failures - is using a local CA, so no path to verification m27GUmtEKeVEla

When checking for updates in the client, I saw the update failing to connect. I grabbed the connection string from the "Show details" link and pasted it into a browser (Chrome for example). The link for me was

This should generate a standard warning that pops up whenever certificates can't be validated. Looking at the certificate, the cert specified for seems good; however, it was issued by a private ca for with a private IP address of This needs to be issued as a resolvable host (also: use FQDN, not IP).

New cert looks to have been applied around Dec 14.

#12344 rejected Unable to connect to Yahoo Server Using filezella wpetty

Log on to the host server fails with all input data verified to be correcct. Log on to the Yahoo server shows failure to connect after connecting up to the point of accepting password.

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