Custom Query (8174 matches)


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Results (310 - 312 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#2251 Total progress bar Alexander Schuch jaredkatyafan

The only thing keeping me from adopting FileZilla as my FTP client of choice is the lack of a total file progress bar (most other clients I know of have one). I tend to download multiple files at a time, but FileZilla only shows %done and time left for each individual file (not the whole set). Having a separate area (or perhaps a tab) that contains a progress bar with %done and time left of the current file + %done and time left for the whole set of files being downloaded currently would be a big benefit and would make sure I tell everyone about FileZilla :)

#2254 Ftp sites passwords Alexander Schuch alx99

Is there a way to view ftp site password? When i export ftp sites list in xml, i can't see real passwords , but why can't they be like normal passwords?

#2274 proxy config Alexander Schuch dapofr

Many companies uses particular proxies which are not compatible with FileZilla.

Would it be possible to add a "generic" choice of configuration of the proxy? The users could "build" the model of the chains of connection in two text boxes (one for the login and the other for the password) by using parameters such as RemoteID, RemoteHost, FireID, etc...

Ex.: FireID@HostID@RemoteHost, for the login

and FirePwd@HostPwd, for the password

Thanks in advance.

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