Custom Query (8174 matches)


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Results (310 - 312 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#11311 rejected Error to connecting site entries vipinshukla

Dear Concern,

I am facing below error to connecting site entries.

Error: Primary connection and data connection certificates don't match. Error: Transfer connection interrupted: ECONNABORTED - Connection aborted Error: Failed to retrieve directory listing

Even i am able to connect same entries in other PCs & Laptop but these issue occures in 4-5 PC since many days.

#9326 rejected FileZilla Client ver. crashes within seconds it is started vinzen

Hi, I run Windows XP SP2, and I had no problems till I upgraded to ver. Now File Zilla crashes within seconds of it being started. Not only it crashes, but the computer shuts down and it restarts on its own. Please help. Thanks.

#10258 outdated Downloading stops 5 minutes after setting a speed limit Vincent

Hello, Since a couple of weeks, when I set a "speed limit" to my downloads, they start but about 5 minutes later, they "stop". Actually, the current transfer still appears, nothing apparently changes, but the speed freezes at its last value and the transfer stops in reality. I can stop the queue processing... I mean Filezilla is not "frozen".

I can close and restart Filezilla to get it working again, but with the same problem 5 minutes later. Everything is ok if no speed limit is enabled.

Any idea ? Thanks from France !

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