Custom Query (8174 matches)


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Results (307 - 309 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#3654 A file...has been changed: upload? no. still does! agentforte

I am finding random files in my web directories, and I found a problem.

When I download a file, open it, edit it, and hit "save", the following prompt shows up:

A file previously opened has been changed: C:\Documents and Settings\FRANKF\My Documents\website\new_site\public_html\style\layoutFluid.css Upload this file to server?

(There is also a check box for "continue editing" which I leave unchecked)

I will click “no” and the file will uploads anyway to a random directory (not even the one that I originally downloaded the file from)

The last time it happened it was in a folder called "dev" and it uploaded to a subfolder (under dev) called "downloads". The time before I downloaded and edited a file from "style" and when I clicked "no" it uploaded to "testcart" (both directories on the same level)

I am using FileZilla Version – most recent version at this time.

I am using Microsoft Windows XP Professional Operating System Version 5.1.2600

This is a bit scarry, because I am not sure if any "index" files or other files that have the same name in different directories might be overwritten when this happens.

#5368 invalid A new tab titled 'not connected' is created when double clicking the right or left tabs arrows Ran Kornfeld

When the current tab is the left most or right most tabs, and the user double clicks the right or left tabs arrows, a new tab titled 'not connected' is created at the right. The new tab will continue to be created as long as the user continues to click.

#4212 rejected A problem while opening a PDF file from FileZilla Davit Tutberidze

Earlier I used Foxit Reader to open PDF files but then I removed it and installed Adobe Reader. However, now whenever I try to open PDF files from FileZilla browser, it still seeks for Foxit Reader to handle them and does not associate them with Adobe Reader which is now a default program. Do you think it's a problem with my system settings or FileZilla?

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