Custom Query (8174 matches)


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Results (304 - 306 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#2184 site manager demands I put in user name Alexander Schuch heckubiss

I dont want to put in my user name in the site manager. I want the option of leaving it blank and entering it myself.

please fix this..

#2193 Custom location of site manager xml Alexander Schuch browman

Just a thought, but it would be quite handy if I could share a single site manager xml file with multiple users on a network drive.

Unless I'm very much mistaken, there doesn't seem to be any option to specify the location of the sitemanager XML file though, either in the app or the settings in the registry.

#2202 Host type support Alexander Schuch mauross

I was using ws-ftp pro trial and when you setup a site you can cofigure in it the host type(in my case unisys a-series).

So if possible implement a way to configure the host type so you culd conect in various plataforms.

When you conect in a-series usinf filezila it doesnt works well, in fact the ws-ftp is the unique win-ftp client that I now that supports a-series.

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