Custom Query (8174 matches)


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Results (301 - 303 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#11437 invalid A Mechanism for New Smart FTP Transfer (NSFTP) Hasan K.

All of current technologies that provide File Transfer Protocol re upload whole updated and edited file(s) even if the file changes by a minimum of one byte. This is not sufficient in term of upload time, bandwidth usage and logic. While this can be solved and proposed a solution to the stated scenario. By enabling the FTP client and FTP server to treat only the differences between local files and remote files. Thus for this will amazingly reduce FTP transfer time and speed up the process.

#7206 outdated A TLS packet with unexpected length was received. Anders Lagerås

Response: 234 AUTH command OK. Initializing TLS mode Status: Initializing TLS... Error: GnuTLS error -9: A TLS packet with unexpected length was received. Status: Server did not properly shut down TLS connection Error: Could not connect to server Status: Waiting to retry...

#5500 fixed A batch file upload failed on 3.3.4 RC1 Adrian Wijasa


I tried to upload a number of files into a server through FileZilla by clicking a file, then Shift Click that resulted in a selection of 11 files. Then, I drag & drop the files to the server file list.

Opted to overwrite the existing files > Always use this action > Apply to current queue only.

All the 11 transfers then failed.

Batch Modify
Note: See TracBatchModify for help on using batch modify.
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.