Custom Query (8174 matches)


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Results (298 - 300 of 8174)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#5086 worksforme Auto open same folder Nguyễn Văn Tài

I realy want program auto open folder "Controls" when i open folder that has same name in other panel. Image below

#4219 outdated Downloaded Filezilla update, now won't recognize excel files .xls vmilner

I downloaded the update for filezilla on 2/9 (3.2.1 for win32.exe) I am running VISTA os. I can no longer view, edit or download .xls spreadsheets. I could be fore the upgrade. I tried to uninstall and reinstall and that did not help. The spreadsheets are not corrupt, I have validated that by using a different computer to download. Any suggestions?

#2543 Add ability to use paswordless logins vladsharp

Example: You have a shell account on You have generated a set of keys (ssh-2 rsa for example) and uploaded the public key to and added it to the list of trusted keys so you will be able to login without a password. Private key caching facilities are already available on Windows and Linux, such as Pageant or the keychain tools.

PuTTy already implements this (to take an example). It would be nice if you could specify a public key.

Thanks. Vladimir

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