Custom Query (8174 matches)


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Results (28 - 30 of 8174)

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Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#8800 outdated failed to retrieve directory listing D White docwhite

Please fix my account. The message reads: Response: 550 PWD: Permission denied Error: Failed to retrieve directory listing

#1737 outdated User authentication - Filezilla Server Daniel Stone pabloj

Hi, I'd suggest an improvement to Filezilla Server's user management. It would be nice to have separated:

Authentication (which is a general matter):

  • Integrated with: local machine accounts/LDAP or

Active Directory - Database

Authorization (which is specific of the application):

  • Stored into Filezilla server or database, with infos like:

quota, virtual dir etc..

Thanks for any interest, and keep up the good work!!

#5362 duplicate "Really delete 1 file?" Darren Young norm

Hi: As it is now, when deleting a Filezilla file, a window pops up and on the window are the words, "Really delete 1 file?" It would be great if when deleting a file the pop up window said, "Really delete Horses.gif?" (The Horses.gif is just an example) With "Really delete 1 file?" it's easy to make a mistake and delete a file that is important and was never intended to be deleted. Thank you Norm Augustinus

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