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Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#74 Multiple folders download & upload anonymous

Whe I try to download & upload (with version 1.8) a complex structure of files and directories, Filezilla presents two different problems:

a) When downloading more then a folder, it sometimes seems that it just download the first one. It just happens when you put them directly on the queue. If you download a single folder with multiple folders within, it works correctly.

b) When uploading, it doesn't create new folders correctly. If you have an empty folder (i.e.: without files) that has some directories, Filezilla tries to create those directories directly, without creating first the folder. The result is that no one of them is created.

#75 replies 150 and 226 on ls come together anonymous

Just a thought I am not claiming to be an expert on this.

The replies to ls 150 and 226 come together on the same server reply. the client has to dig in there to find out that those are actually to responses.

I thought it was confusing to the client side it was in my client (my program), nothing I could not handle though. I just though it might be confusing to other clients.

I read the RFC959 and it is not clear whether you should send them seperatelly

#77 Changing to dir with LIST protect fails mknudstrup

I am using FileZilla 1.81 Final.

The problem I have is that when I try to change into a directory that does not allow showing the contents of the directory, FileZilla sees this as an error and will not change into the directory.

The log shows:

Command: CWD inbox Response: 250 CWD command successful. Command: PWD Response: 257 "/private/supportcss/inbox" is current directory. Command: PORT 192,168,1,4,11,195 Response: 200 PORT command successful. Command: TYPE A Response: 200 Type set to A. Command: LIST Response: 150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for /bin/ls. Response: 550 .: Access is denied. Error: Could not retrieve directory listing

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