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Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#13119 fixed Filezilla Pro is blocked by Google Drive maxray

Hello ! Today, I noticed that FileZilla Pro cannot connect to Google Drive because Google's services have blocked access to the FileZilla Pro application, deeming it unsafe. This problem has been encountered not only by me but also by my friends, who are also active users of FileZilla Pro.

Could you please tell me if an update is planned that will fix this issue?

#13104 fixed FileZilla Server Settings window is excessively large on Windows 11 with an ultrawide display and cannot be resized smaller Dai

## Background:

I was helping out a friend with his localhost FileZilla Server install remotely over Splashtop; I noticed the Server Settings window was not only excessively large but also could not be resized any smaller.

## Technical details:

  • FileZilla Server 1.8.2
  • Windows 11 Pro 23H2
  • Desktop: 1x 3840x1080px display (at 96dpi) and 1x 1366x768px (also at 96dpi).

## Repro steps:

  1. Use an ultrawide monitor.
  2. Open the FileZilla Administration interface
  3. Go Main Menu > Server > Configure
  4. Observe the Settings window is proportionally-sized to fill maybe 50-66% of the screen, but it cannot be sized any smaller and has excessive amounts of unused space and also obscures other running programs (and you can resize it even bigger for some reason).

## Expected behaviour:

  • I expected the Settings window to have a compact initial size - or I expect the Settings window to have the current wide initial size on this screen but to also allow me to resize it smaller.
#13101 fixed Syntax error on renaming file Davide

In Italian I get the "Errore di sintassi - Impossibile analizzare l'indirizzo del server: Nessun host fornito, inserisci un host." error (theoretically in English it would be similar to "Syntax error - Failed to parse server address: No host provided, please enter a host.") when I rename a file locally in FileZilla when a file with the same name already exists.

Then the message "Impossibile rinominare il file, Errore imprevisto, Se l'errore persiste, è possibile utilizzare il codice errore per cercare ulteriori informazioni sul problema. Errore 0x80070057: Parametro non corretto.". In English it should be something like: "Failed to rename file, Unexpected error" also appears. If the error persists, you can use the error code to look for more information about the problem. Error 0x80070057: Incorrect parameter."

In my opinion it would be enough to warn that a file with the same name already exists.

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