Custom Query (118 matches)


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Results (101 - 118 of 118)

1 2
Ticket Summary Status Cc Owner Type Priority
#11018 Add site name in password entering dialog window title new alex3kov@… Feature request normal
#11035 port bounce attack new edwardchien@… Bug report normal
#11234 Duplicating directories locally on Mac 3.25.1 reopened codeplotter@… Bug report normal
#11515 New field in statusline new egotfred@… Feature request normal
#11892 key file show all files doesn't show all files new nareshbansal225@… Bug report normal
#12043 error: gestor de onedrive el cuadro de authentication se queda en blanco new contabilidad023@… Bug report normal
#12139 Can't connect under windows 8.1 new admin@… Bug report normal
#12156 Option to override default local directory new mdnava@… Feature request normal
#1827 rsync capability would be fantastic new haisam, malviny, xaminmo@… Feature request low
#2113 Modify client-side Mode Z enablement based on file type new Josh Davis, xaminmo@… Feature request low
#2752 Browse on remote directory on Advanced tab of Site Manager new nissenordin, Tim Kosse, xaminmo@… Feature request low
#3003 Local directory view is synchronous new gaspard_leon, Tim Kosse, xaminmo@… Feature request low
#3696 Allow "Open With" as you do "Open" new jahiersche, filezilla@… Feature request low
#7820 Pointer collision in commandqueue between enqueue and dequeue new xaminmo@… Bug report low
#7858 Incorrect Information in Download Progress Bar new anshul.chelsea@… Bug report low
#9152 Filesize thousands separator new rubenroy2005@… Bug report low
#11614 Incorrect pathing in filezilla latest client moreinfo jesse.josserand@… Bug report low
#11865 Error en sección "Ayuda" new marioltguanaco@… Bug report low
1 2
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