Custom Query (8171 matches)


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Results (238 - 240 of 8171)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#1637 Tim Kosse trajano Allow user defined PASV port range

Is it possible to add support on FZ Server to allow us to choose which ports are allowed for PASV support so we do not open all ports to the firewall?

Thanks, Archie

#1682 anonymous dont require username in site manager

First of all FileZilla rocks. Its the replacement to WS_FTP LE that i've been looking for for our public computer labs.

I would be nice for FileZilla to not require a username in the site manager. When you connect to a server, have it check to see if there is a username entered, and if not, open a dialog box that allows you to enter the username and password.

A good example, and reason for this functionality: A lab environment where multiple users use the same computer. You could use the same .xml settings file for every user, and have the program ask for the username and password when necessary. As it is right now, you would have to put a wrapper script on the executable that would parse the .xml settings file and enter the correct username into all the sites.

It would also allow you to connect to the same server without having to alter the username, or creating a duplicate site.

You would still be able to enter a username if you wanted, but if you didn’t enter one, the program would ask you for it when you connected to a site. Basically the same functionality that you have for the password field, but apply that to the username field as well.

#1704 anonymous fixed Saving the server log to a file

Could be possible to add an option for saving or appending the log to a file when the server is closed?

Thanks for your attention.

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